Is sql statement "where not exists" atomic? No it's not.
/* Short question: is "where not exists" atomic? Short answer: No it will fail, if not in transaction or using locking hint. Even merge will fail. Follow steps to reproduce below. (Written on sql2008r2)
/* Preparation script */
drop table dbo.Monkey
drop table stage.Monkey
create table dbo.Monkey
( MonkeyId int,
MonkeyDate datetime,
primary key clustered (Monkeyid))
create table stage.Monkey
( MonkeyId int identity(1,1),
MonkeyDate datetime)
set nocount on
insert stage.Monkey
select getdate()
go 10
insert stage.Monkey
select getdate()
from stage.Monkey
go 18
declare @count int =
( select count(*)
from stage.Monkey )
print cast(@count as varchar(10))+' rows in stage.Monkey' -- ~2,5 m rows
To get constraint violation in dbo.Monkey,
Copy session code below to two different windows.
Execute session 1, then immediately switch to window 2 / session 2 and start that script.
What will happen is that First row (id:1) in session 2 will be inserted while session 1 is in delay.
Second row (id:2000000) will be inserted while insert statement in session 1 is running
Result: Witout explicit x-locking in session 1, session 2 will successfully insert two rows and cause session 1 to fail.
/************************************* Session 1 (in this window) **********************************/
--begin tran --this will make session 2 fail
truncate table dbo.Monkey
waitfor delay '00:00:10'
insert dbo.Monkey
select MonkeyId,MonkeyDate
from stage.Monkey sa
where not exists
( select 1
from dbo.Monkey a --with (xlock) -- or enabling this will make session 2 fail
where a.MonkeyId=sa.Monkeyid )
--commit tran
/************************************* Session 2 (in new window) **************************/
insert dbo.Monkey
select 1,'2000-01-01'
waitfor delay '00:00:10'
insert dbo.Monkey
select 2000000,'2000-01-01'
--extra corriculum: Merge will follow where not exists and fail without transaction
/************************************* Session 1b (in this window) **************************/
--begin tran --begin tran will make session 2 fail
truncate table dbo.Monkey
waitfor delay '00:00:10'
merge into dbo.Monkey as target
select MonkeyId, MonkeyDate
from stage.Monkey
) as source
on target.MonkeyId=source.MonkeyId
when not matched by target then
insert (MonkeyId,MonkeyDate)
values (source.MonkeyId,source.MonkeyDate);
--commit tran
/* Preparation script */
drop table dbo.Monkey
drop table stage.Monkey
create table dbo.Monkey
( MonkeyId int,
MonkeyDate datetime,
primary key clustered (Monkeyid))
create table stage.Monkey
( MonkeyId int identity(1,1),
MonkeyDate datetime)
set nocount on
insert stage.Monkey
select getdate()
go 10
insert stage.Monkey
select getdate()
from stage.Monkey
go 18
declare @count int =
( select count(*)
from stage.Monkey )
print cast(@count as varchar(10))+' rows in stage.Monkey' -- ~2,5 m rows
To get constraint violation in dbo.Monkey,
Copy session code below to two different windows.
Execute session 1, then immediately switch to window 2 / session 2 and start that script.
What will happen is that First row (id:1) in session 2 will be inserted while session 1 is in delay.
Second row (id:2000000) will be inserted while insert statement in session 1 is running
Result: Witout explicit x-locking in session 1, session 2 will successfully insert two rows and cause session 1 to fail.
/************************************* Session 1 (in this window) **********************************/
--begin tran --this will make session 2 fail
truncate table dbo.Monkey
waitfor delay '00:00:10'
insert dbo.Monkey
select MonkeyId,MonkeyDate
from stage.Monkey sa
where not exists
( select 1
from dbo.Monkey a --with (xlock) -- or enabling this will make session 2 fail
where a.MonkeyId=sa.Monkeyid )
--commit tran
/************************************* Session 2 (in new window) **************************/
insert dbo.Monkey
select 1,'2000-01-01'
waitfor delay '00:00:10'
insert dbo.Monkey
select 2000000,'2000-01-01'
--extra corriculum: Merge will follow where not exists and fail without transaction
/************************************* Session 1b (in this window) **************************/
--begin tran --begin tran will make session 2 fail
truncate table dbo.Monkey
waitfor delay '00:00:10'
merge into dbo.Monkey as target
select MonkeyId, MonkeyDate
from stage.Monkey
) as source
on target.MonkeyId=source.MonkeyId
when not matched by target then
insert (MonkeyId,MonkeyDate)
values (source.MonkeyId,source.MonkeyDate);
--commit tran