Vital settings for Microsoft Office if you're a developer or technician
Microsoft Office (including Visio) is designed for novel writers. If you're a developer or technician, most "helpful" and "intelligent" features hinder or destroy your work. Writing code examples, formulas or technical jargong is tedious. But can be easier if you follow these settings. General File / Options / Advanced / (smart cut and paste) Settings / Uncheck "Adjust sentence and word spacing automatically" This prevents Office from inserting spaces in front of what you paste. The setting will also be used in Outlook even if there's no setting there. Disable auto-capitalize first character. (also for outlook) Prevents Office from destroying your code casing Options / Proofing / AutoCorrect options / AutoFormat as you type Uncheck "Straight Quotes" with "Smart Quotes" Uncheck Hyphens with dash This malforms any code pasted Excel Options / Advanced / Use system separators Change to . (per...