Follow this post (Follow Ogauthier, not christo) Remember to disable anonymous and enable windows auth in IIS
To enable SqlCmd in Management Studio, select: Query / SQLCMD Mode Management studio willl replace variables before these are sent to the Sql server :setvar DbName DevDb go create procedure dbo.GetPersonsFromAnotherDb as select * from $(DbName).dbo.Person print '$(DbName)' go /* Procedure will be created like: ALTER procedure [dbo].[GetPersonsFromAnotherDb] as select * from DevDb.dbo.Person print 'DevDb' */ To execute parameterized from sqlcmd.exe file.sql containts the following: print '$(DbName) was used as input' Execute file: sqlcmd -E -S . -i file.sql -v DbName=TstDb Output: TstDb was used as input
When MsSql server expresses itself by the following error: "Internal Query Processor Error: The query processor could not produce a query plan" Usually this message is due to some invalid or conflicting settings with the quoted identifier setting. My lack of interest kept me from learning the mechanics about the error. Usually fixed by removing all set quoted identifier - modifiers in your .sql-files then control this globally with your client (like sqlcmd.exe -I).
In SQL 2008 fulltext intexes exclude stopwords. The default stoplist can be disabled by using with stoplist off when creating the fulltext index on the table. Another limitation that I cannot seem to get around is that fulltext search function contains only allow wildcard characters at the end. Probably due to the same index limitations as ends-with ( like '%word' ) searches has. See following examples: Will not match "Joel" select * from Person where contains(FirstName,'"*oel*") Will match "Joel" select * from Person where contains(FirstName,'"*Joe*")
/* Checksum() isnt very good for detecting data changes. Use hashbytes() instead Example of output from script below: -361975519341300.801789 */ select avg(cast(cast(hsh as bigint) as decimal(25,0))) as truncatedHash from ( select cast(HASHBYTES('SHA1', [StringField1]+ [StringField2]+ [StringField3]) as binary(20)) as hsh FROM dbo.TableToBeInvestigated ) as hashedData